Hinged patio doors

Selecting patio doors involve some considerations such as appearance, energy performance, human factors issues, technical performance, and cost. Selecting the desired look of a new patio door is often the starting point, in other words- aesthetic first. Thermal comfort, visible light transmittance, durability, are also key factors in selecting patio doors.

Some local dealers in Connecticut offer hinged patio doors made by ProVia.

Their superb quality, old-world craftsmanship with attention to construction and finish details makes the doors one the best on the market. Fiberglass or smooth steel patio doors are available in 2 or 3-lite configurations. Each door can be customized with different sizes, styles, colors, finishes, grids, custom glass and internal blinds.

ProVia offers a wide selection of interior and exterior colors, painted or hand-stained by craftsmen to provide a realistic wood appearance.

New glazing technologies provide highly effective insulating value and solar protection. ProVia’s patio doors are available with highly energy-efficient glass packages for enhanced insulating performance to have a door that will keep unwanted heat and cold out of your home. During winter, it should keep indoor heat from escaping, while during summer help to keep your home cooler. Energy glass package features Low-E glass, double or triple pane glass unit filled with Krypton or Argon gas and high-performance flexible foam Super Spacer. Non-metal, less conductive spacer system that expands and contracts when temperature changes. It keeps the moisture from getting between the glass and any gas inside the panes from escaping. It also reduces the risk of condensation and blocks the noise from outside.

This superbly built door will fill your home with the warmth and beauty of natural sunlight, while protecting it from inclement weather, and energy loss.